October 11, 12 and 13, 2024

Bellydance International festival in Barcelona. Organised by Elisa Martor and Yulia Gamal.


Professional international dancer, teacher and judge, organiser of the Raks Glam Festival in Poland.
For more than 16 years she has taught regular oriental dance classes in Poland and master classes around the world.
Since 2014 member of Bellydance Evolution.
In 2016 she played the lead role of Cheshire Cat in "Alice in Wonderland" during a 3-month tour of China, in 2017 she played the lead role of Mermaid and Florist in the show "Scheherazade 1001 Night" during the east coast tour of the United States.
She built a strong online belly dance community around the world, giving regular Zoom workshops and providing detailed tutorials on Patreon.
Owner of the Jasirah Dancewear brand that produces training sets for belly dance dancers.
Author and founder of the world's first notebook for the belly dance dancer "My Inspirational Bellydance Journal". @jasirahbellydancer